Spa Programs and Packages in Thailand
Spa Trips in Thailand
Whether the spa is for health or treatment, Thailand can offer some of the best programs and packages around.
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Spa in Thailand
Spa Programs and Packages in Thailand
Spa Trips in Thailand
Whether the spa is for health or treatment, Thailand can offer some of the best programs and packages around.
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Thailand’s Spas
There are numerous different types of spa services in Thailand which focus heavily on Thai massage. They are categorized as massage for health, massage for beauty and traditional massage.
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Trip Activities
Few of the suggested trip activities include:
Nuturing Touch: This is a delicious sensory journey of loave and care using pepper berries, foot soak, honey, sweet almond oil, yeast powder scrub, milky steam, cheese mud, ginger and vanilla oil.
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The word “spa” probably comes from the name of the town Spa in Belgium.
East meets West, a spa is a place to go to treat and heal your mind, body and spirit using a variety of different techniques such as massage, scrubs, yoga, acupuncture, reike, reflexology, nutrition and body wraps etc.
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